Be low Rosario, this terminal was built by Dreyfus in 1991. the berth, of reinforced concrete, is in relatively deep water 250 m offshore, with an inclined loading conveyor belt and a viaduct of steel lattice work on concrete pilings connecting it to the terminal. The berth consists of four dolphins, overall length 140 m with two outlying mooring dolphins 75 m ahead and astern. Cape size vessels have berthed. The loading gallery is supported by vertical towers stepped alongside the dolphins and to which 3 loading arms are attached. The loading arms, which are lowered/swung out over the vessel have 25 m outreach and are fitted with adjustable vertical chutes at their ends, which in turn are. Fitted with rotating spoons making these units multi-directional. Loading is from one belt at average 1000 TPH for grain or 750 TPH for by products. The berth is with a 12” vegetable oil pipeline giving load rate 800 TPH. Grain storage at the plant is 1.100.000 tons, oil 88.000 tons, with ample capacity for reception of railway wagons and trucks. Depth alongside the berth is reportedly 12/20 m (39/65 ft) North/South ends at datum and clearance at datum 24 m.
During 2005 Dreyfus built a new vegetable oils berth, of reinforced concrete also relative deep water 220 m off shore, having four dolphins and pipe lines connections from 6" to 14 inches to vessel's connections previously loading commencement.
Also Dreyfus operate inside of grain berth with river barges that procceding from waterway (Mercosur) Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia discharge to re-embarking to ocean vessels as transshipment,goods as soya beans, soya meal pellets, sunflower seed, sorghum all in bulk.
Exports 2008 amounted to: grain 6.2 millon tons.
Anchorage for vessels awaiting berth is berth is between km 394,7 – 398,3 , left margin, as permitted by Coastguard ( PNA- Contrase); usually maximum four vessels. Maneuvering zones are at kms 398,3 - 393,3 for vessels sailing downriver and at kms 394,0 – 394,7 for vessels arriving from upriver ports.