Página 20 - MAS SHIPPING 2015

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Mas Shipping Ltd. Certification ISO 9001 - 2008 by SGS United Kingdom Ltd. London
Terminal Nidera
Nidera Terminal
km 451 Río Paraná
Puerto Gral. San Martín
Km 451 Río Paraná (Pto. Gral. San
Martín, provincia de Santa Fe)
Inicio de operaciones:
Un muelle entre dolfines extremos hay 200 m
Un sitio de atraque 32 pies de profundidad
Capacidad de Almacenaje:
- Granos 3570.000 tn
- Subproductos 45.000 tn
- Aceites 35.000 tn
Ritmo de Carga:
- Granos 1200 tn/h
- Subproductos 800 tn/h
- Aceites 1200 tn/h
- Una playa para 500 camiones y otro sector
para 200 camiones.
Private terminal for grain, by products and vegetables oils:
Berth: 4 reinforced concrete dolphins: overall berth frontage
approximately 150 m with outlying head/stern mooring
dolphins suitable for vessels of around 230 m LOA, Depth
alongside reportedly 12.20 m (40 ft) at datum, air clearance
22 m at datum however the access channel depth is
reported to be 7.40 m (24´3´) at datum. Cargo transferred to
loading gallery by twin inclined belts. Loading gallery
supported on 4 towers stepped adjacent to dolphins.
One product only loaded at a time via 4 teles copies chutes,
outreach 20 m.
Load rate grain 1200 TPH; wagons 400 TPH. Parking for
1200 trucks, railway for 40 wagons, Berth fitted with 2x8”
vegetables oil pipelines giving loading rate up to 900 TPH.
Tank storage capacity 80.000 tons.
Working hours: M/F 06.00/12:00, 12:00/18:00.
Sat 06:00/12:00.Otherwise overtime.
Exports 2008: 1.250.000 tons.