Mas Shipping Ltd. Certification ISO 9001 - 2008 by SGS United Kingdom Ltd. London
km 462 Río Paraná
En el año 2005, el Grupo Noble, a través de su filial en
Argentina decidió construir un puerto, considerando los planes
de la compañía de incrementar la exportación de granos. Se
adquirió un lote superficie de 201 hectáreas, con una frente de
1800 metros de costa sobre río Coronda y Paraná, en Timbués
una zona NO considerada para un puerto por esos días.
Este puerto comenzó a operar en el año 2006, estimando
exportar unos 2,5 millones de toneladas de granos, además
está proyectado y ya han iniciado operaciones con descarga
de barcazas tanto de granos, como de aceites vegetales, pro-
venientes de la hidrovía para exportación. Tiene en construc-
ción una amarradero para albergar 12 barcazas para utilizar
como pulmón en su muelle y la construcción prevista del
futuro muelle para realizar operaciones con fertilizantes.
Capacidad de almacenaje:
640.000 toneladas base soja.
Capacidad Almacenaje
95.000 m3
Capacidad descarga diaria:
1.000 camiones.
Capacidad de carga a
1.600 tons/hora.
Muelle de hormigón concre-
to con 3 tres torres de
embarque/ pescantes, apto
parte interior para descarga
de barcazas.
Planta de acondicionamiento
y secado propio.
Control de emisiones:
puerto cuenta con tecnolo-
gía de última generación en
sistema de aspiración de
polvo y seguridad operativa,
de acuerdo a los más altos
estándares internacionales.
Terminal Noble Argentina S.A.
Noble Argentina S.A. Terminal
Argentina is a subsidiary of Noble
Noble Grain, Agriculture Division of
the Noble Group.
expertise on trade in primary
products and significant financial
strength of the group, Noble
Argentina: Noble Argentina has
development of a significant
logistics and port management, in
strategic locations of Argentina, in
order to minimize the costs of
transport by land, river and sea.
All facilities have the latest
unloading, sampling and testing,
drying and packaging, weighing
and storage. Since 2006 Argentina
Noble has exclusive use of two
ports located in Lima, from Zárate,
Provincia de Buenos Aires, in
Timbués, Province of Santa Fe.
Noble Argentina has the exclusive
use of the facilities of Delta cereal
Dock, with a storage capacity for
grain and products of up to 100,000
Opened in 1999, this private
terminal of multipurpose cargo is
located on the right bank of the
Paraná River, about 100 kilometers
from Buenos Aires.
Main Technical Features of the Port
Noble Lima
• Storage Capacity (Soya Base):
100,000 ton.
• Ability to download daily 400
• Load capacity to ship 1200 tons / h.
• Suitable for unloading barges.
• Cooling and drying plant.
• Download process, storage and
shipment certificate ISO 9001:2000
in December 2005.
In 2005, the Noble Group, through
its local subsidiary, Noble Argentina,
decided to build a port, considering
the company plans to increase the
export of grains.
The project began with the
purchase of a plot of an area of
201 hectares and 1,800 meters of
coastline on Coronda and Paraná
rivers in the city of Timbues an
area not considered suitable for
the establishment of a port so
The port began operations in June
2006. Noble Argentina provides an
export volume of 2.5 million tons /
year through the port complex. It is
designed with long-term vision as a
platform for future expansion of the
Group's activities in Argentina are
among those that provide a dock
for unloading of fertilizers,
operation of a barge and oil
extraction plant.
Main Technical Features of the First
Stage of Port Noble Timbues
• Storage Capacity (Soya Base):
250,000 tons.
• Ability to download daily: 1,000
• Load capacity to ship 1,600 tons / h.
• A pier with three towers
continuous boarding is complete
with three davits. Suitable for
discharge of barges.
• Cooling and drying plant.
• Control of Emissions: The port
has the latest technology in
vacuum systems for dust and
safety, according to the highest
international standards.
Silos have a capacity of 3,600 tons
and the possibility of collecting in
the field through bag silos to 30,000
tons at an initial stage.
Construction began in late 2007
with the objective of generating a
key point of collection (or dry port)
in the North of our country and we
believe it is a very important link in
the chain of storage for the
transaction with a plan strategic
Los buques pueden cargar a calado máximo permitido por las
Autoridades, se utiliza práctico de puerto para sus maniobras y
no es necesario la utilidad de remolcadores para entrar y/o
salir de su muelle, eslora máxima 230 metros, operando las 24
horas de 365 días/año.