Página 35 - MAS SHIPPING 2015

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Mas Shipping Ltd. Certification ISO 9001 - 2008 by SGS United Kingdom Ltd. London
Agentes Marítimos en Puertos Argentinos
Maritime Agents in Argentinean Ports
San Lorenzo - Head Of f ice
9 de Julio 535 – CP: 2202 – Pto. Gral. San Martín
Pcia. Santa Fe – Argentina
54 – 3476 – 432432 (Auto revolving lines) 426218 / 436178 / 436177
Ext. # 21 (Reception) or # 25 (Ops Management) # 32 (Acctng Dpt.)
VHF Channel 10 and all marine channels
General e-mail address: slorenzo@masship.com.ar
Web site: www.masshipping.com.ar
General Managers/Board desk:
Comercial/Operations Desk:
Miguel A. Segovia
Mobile: 54-9-341- 4688884/3690415
NEXTEL ID 152 * 122
e-mail: msegovia@masship.com.ar
Liliana B. Rodriguez
Phones: +54-03476- 432432
NEXTEL ID 152 * 694
e-mail: rrhh@masship.com.ar
Operations Department:
Mobile: 54-9-3476- 616164
e-mail: operaciones@masship.com.ar
Marcelo Zabala
Mobile: 54-9-341- 4689841
NEXTEL ID 152 * 5036
e-mail: operaciones@masship.com.ar
Julieta Sosa
Mobile: 54-9-341- 6031320
NEXTEL ID 152 * 364
e-mail: operaciones@masship.com.ar
Agustín More
Mobile: 54-9-341- 2209321
NEXTEL ID 152 * 209
e-mail: operaciones@masship.com.ar
Jorge Segovia
Mobile: 54-9-341- 4021724
NEXTEL ID 152 * 4442
e-mail: operaciones@masship.com.ar
Administrative’s Department
Marcelo Coca
Mobile: 54-9-341- 6031601
NEXTEL ID 152 * 429
e-mail: contaduria@masship.com.ar
Ext. # 33
Luisina Giglio
Mobile: 54-9-3476- 432432 - Ext. # 32
e-mail: administracion@masship.com.ar
Joana Clari
Mobile: 54 - 3476 – 432432 - Ext. # 20
e-mail: slorenzo@masship.com.ar
San Nicol ás - Branch Of f ice
Manuel Belgrano 592 – CP 2900 – San Nicolás
Pcia. De Buenos A ires – ARGENTINA
Phones / Fax:
54-336- 4435093 / 4456917 Auto Revolving Lines
VHF Channel 77 and all marine channels
General e-mail address: snicolas@masship.com.ar
Operations Department:
Sandro García
Mobile: 54-9-336 -44411033
NEXTEL ID 152 * 5031
e-mail: snicolas@masship.com.ar
San Pedro - Branch Of f ice
Quiroga 30 – CP 2930 – SAN PEDRO.
Pcia. Buenos Aires – ARGENTINA
Phones / Fax:
54-3329- 423178 / 422972
VHF Channel 70 and all marine channels
General e-mail address: spedro@masship.com.ar
Barges Dock - Km 286-290 (San Pedro Station)
Agustin Elgoyhen
Mobile: 54-9-3329- 666703
VHF Channel 70 and all marine channels
Matias Acosta
Mobile: 54-9-3476- 604683 / 301123 NEXTEL ID 152 * 6
VHF Channel 70 and all marine channels
Operations Department:
Nicolas Verestraete
Mobile: 54-9-3329- 626955
NEXTEL ID 152 * 5034
e-mail: spedro@masship.com.ar
Verónica Cejas
Mobile: 54-9-3329- 521644
NEXTEL ID 152 * 3342
Paraná - Branch Of f ice
Bvard. Moreno 180 - Gregoria Matorras de San Martín 842
C.P. E3100GRO - Paraná - Entre Ríos – Argentina
Phones / Fax:
54- 0343 - 4311825 / 4318234
General e-mail address: parana@masship.com.ar
Operations Department:
Raúl Francisconi
Mobile: 54-9- 343- 6220405 / 6228200 NEXTEL ID 674*5375
e-mail: parana@masship.com.ar
La Paz - Branch Of f ice
Urquiza 1133 – CP 3190 – La Paz.
Pcia. De Entre Ríos – ARGENTINA
Phones / Fax:
54 – 3476 – 432432 / 426218 / 436178 / 436177
VHF Channel 10 and all marine channels
General e-mail address: lapaz@masship.com.ar
Operations Department:
Marcelo Grabre
Mobile: 54-3437-423553 / 15403935
e-mail: lapaz@masship.com.ar
Bar ranqueras - Branch Of f ice
Av. Laprida 5225 – CP 3503 – Barranqueras.
Pcia. De Chaco – ARGENTINA
Phones / Fax:
54 – 362 – 4488999 / 4485892
VHF Channel 10 and all marine channels
General e-mail address: barranqueras@masship.com.ar
Operations Department:
Neftalí Tamara
Mobile: 54-9-362 - 4705414
e-mail: barranqueras@masship.com.ar
Mas Shipping - Boat Serv ices Di v i s ion
Reg. Nr . S-043
Boat Team Services at San Lorenzo Port:
L/M Sandokan - Mat. 0365- M
Mobile: 54-9-341- 2204738 Nextel Id. 152 * 442
L/M Adriana - Mat. 0364- M
Mobile: 54-9-341-4025441 Nextel Id. 152 * 8437
L/M La Katepada - Mat. 02892- M
Mobile: 54-9-341-4021724 Nextel Id. 152 * 4442
B/M Rocío - Mat. 1778- M
Mobile: 54-9-0341- 4024805 Nextel Id. 152 * 5034
Boat Team Services at Rosario Port:
L/M Asunción - Mat. 0367- M
Mobile: 54-9-341-4024462 Nextel Id. 152 * 311
Boat Team Services at San Pedro Port:
L/M Liliana B - Mat. 03045- M
Mobile: 54-9-341-301123
L/M Paraná 11 - Mat. 01062
Mobile: 54-9-3476-604683/ Nextel Id. 152*6
Barges Dock Km 456-458 (Bravo Station)
54-9-3476-634134 – NEXTEL ID 152*5033 / VHF Channel 09